Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life Gives You Lemonades At the Cabin of Shadows

The Society gathered at the Hidden Cabin 24th - 26th of August 2012 Anno Domini

Once again the Society left the civilized world behind them and retreated to the Hidden Realm where men are still men and women are non-heard. Journey to the Hidden Realm was ethereal, accompanied by tunes gathered by Lord Protector Jakubias. It was unanimously decided that his Collection of Otherwordly tunes was probably one of the worsts, ever.
As they arrived, they began with the arrangements necessary for the session to last over the whole weekend. When they finally were ready, the Session began. As the ritual insists, the gents firstly punished themselves with the paragon of rpg's, Dungeons & Dragons. This year the planetary alignment was favorable, as they began their new "To The North" campaign. First night of gameplay proved the new campaign setup as an intriguing experience.

With a proper cliffhanger, the gentlemen proceeded from the rpg to the nightly rituals of drinking. This time however, they decided to take it easy in order to ensure a good gaming experience next day. A cinematic video was watched, and this time it was titled as "Your Highness". A nice film. Enjoy the trailer.

After a night of restless sleep, the gaming ensued. It lasted whole twelve hours, and the new campaign was officially started with a bang. Please take a look:
The Game
The Cabin
The Atmosphere

Eventually it was time to call it quits. But that meant alcohol. The gents washed themselves at sauna in order to prepare themselves to the MEAT FEAST. Please take a look:

After stuffing themselves with delicious meat, the men regrouped back to the cabin to challenge themselves in Köning und Neger . The game was bizarre, and many drinks were drank. Here's a clean edit of a certain "victory chart" document that prevailed that night:

The Dynasties: 
Jakubias  William 
!Grudgematch! William  Jakubias 
Sovereign King Jaaaku..   He who will win the goon wars   William 
Masamund -> Count Oscar the Superneger 
Again - Jakubias 
Kungen King Jannek HE GAVE UP 
And now the shit goes really weird:

Oscar the King EXCEPT he aint but WILLIAM 
Masamund's Dynasty I - won the Neger-Oscar- The LEMON LORD 
Dickie-Doo-Masamund - Masamund's Dynasty II £$2@# Jannek 
Masamund's Dynasty III * punoit* 
Masamund's Dynasty IV %$#£ Number 2. 
Willy Oscar's number two - - - - - -    Neger-William :( 
Jannektikon the Emperor Goon-Willy-Oscar 
Jannek Masamund
And on the other side of the manuscript:

What a splendid journey. Here's scenic picture of Natalie Portman's ass, best thing about movie Your Highness.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Brace Yourself, Summer is Coming

After ridiculously long hiatus, the Society once again gathered to test themselves in the arts of strategy and tactics. By camouflaging their gathering in compulsory birthday practices, they were able to test themselves once again with mysteries devised by Lord Protector Jakubias while gaming. Only Sir William was missing but he was replaced by Jounir the General Superior.

Society's Horror collection
the Monster Cup
First our gentlemen tested themselves with the Arkham Horror with Kingsport and The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh expansions. Against all odds they managed to shut and seal all the gates. The Elder God Glaaki was vanished and the world were left in peace. Never before had anyone witnessed such a amount of luck in the form of monster surges. Sip of whiskey for that gents!

By this time, it was time to decide who would rule the Kingdom of Marnon and thus it was time for the legendary boardgame Wizard's Quest aka Marnon. Once again, against all odds, the newcomer Jounir managed to conquer the island by locating all three hidden treasures. Well done Jounir!

Encouraged by his victory, Jounir presented a small card game for the rest of the society, called "We Didn't Playtest This At All" which proved to be really hilarious game, especially after few pints. Well done Jounir again!

The evening was crowned by lost diamond from the Eighties, The Barbarians adventure movie. The Society agreed that the movie was pure gold.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hatespeech at the religious retreat of Gustaf Hideout

The Society gathered at the Gustaf's Hideout 9th - 11th of September 2011 Anno Domini

For some unknown reason the Society squashed to Sir Williams warSaab and began an incredible journey to a small cabin located somewhere in Southern Finland, yet the excact location was kept in secresy even from the members themselves. Rainbows and unicorns spurred them on their way and everyone knew that they took part of something best described as "legendary".

It was friday evening as they reached the hideout. After unpacking their gear, they began their mission of full ablution by playing Dungeons & Dragons until midnight. As the days chores were fullfilled, it was time to take up the booze, and rest of the evening was filled with drunken "hatespeech." It was collectively agreed that xXx2 was utter shit, whereas Demi Moore's  full-of-life eighties "classic" "About Last Night..." was solid gold, even though we missed every single sex scene!

As friday night was concluded with two episodes of That 70's Show about 04.00am, saturday morning started 0830am with a montage-theme song from Disney movie "Mulan". Following this epic start, the gentlemen contended with D&D once again, and did not stop not until twelve hours later. Then began what everyone were waiting for. The Meat Feast! An incredible carnival of carnal lust! Everyone feasted with tremendous amounts of meat and beer, and as the feast concluded the Sauna was ready to bathe our brave carnivores. Ominous fullmoon greeted the gents as they plummetted to cold embrace of sea, howling like wolves at the moon.

meat feast
Later, as the troupe returned to the cabin, fresh & clean and drunk, a movie viewing began, as the The Rock exploded into everyones consciousness. King Jannek roamed the dreamlands while others watched the movie, he was feeling quite sick. After the movie, several rounds of Tekken 5 sobered even poor mister Jannek, while others continued on their trek to Greater Drunkeness.

As the mortal brawling proved to boring, new ways of drunken activity had to be invented, and so came the King & Slave, König und Neger: Die Negerkriegs in the reichlanguage. The basic principles of the game were introduce in the Cabinmeet Vol.1 almost excactly a year ago, and this time the Gents added the Negerkriegs-expansion set, a way for the slave to work his way up, by drinking.

Here are the basic rules of  König und Neger:
The deck of cards is shuffled and dealed to the players. (When more than five players, two decks should be used to increase sheer randomness) Then everyone may sort his hand from 2's to ace's. Then the one with 2 of clubs begins by placing the card (and anyother 2's he may have) tp the center of the table. Then the players in clockwise order strike cards on the last one, providing the card is bigger than the last one ( 3's over 2's, queen's over 8's for example).
You may even strike ace's over 2's. You may also strike multiple numbers of the same size, but then everyone else has to strike equal or more in number of the same size. (For example, three 6's are on the table, next player has to strike at least three 7's).
If the player cannot or doesn't want to strike, he/she must pronounce "pass", which he/she continues to say at his turn as long he's unable or unwilling. If everyone passes, the player who stroke the last card(s) can strike whatever he likes to a clean table (this often means the lowest in size as they are the weakest). It should be noted that ace's are almost omnipotent as they are unmatchable in size, guaranteeing a clean table to the player who stroke it. Altough, you have to match the number of the last sizes in the table, three kings can be only matched with three ace's or more.

The One who first runs out of cards becomes the KING, sole champion of the round. The others continue to play until one loses by being the only one with cards in his hands. He/she becomes the SLAVE, lowest of the low. When the next round begins and the shuffled cards are once again dealt, the King gives two (or three, decided by the players in the beginning of the game) of his LOWEST cards in his hand to the Slave, who has to give equal number of his HIGHEST cards to the King. And then the player with 2 of clubs begins the round.

But now comes the fun part, the Slave may challenge the King before the cards are dealt. If the king accepts he must face the Slave in series of rounds of indianpoker, if he passes, he loses his King-status and the round starts like the beginning round of the game, no high/low cards. If the Slave wins, he becomes the King and the fallen King becomes the Slave.
The rules of these negerkrieg's are simple, both of the players lift a card from the deck to his forehead so one sees only the opponents card, and then the players either say pass of I challenge. If either one passes, sips of booze are taken and new cards are drawn. If both challenge, the one with bigger card in his forehead wins, and the one with lower loses and has to drink a shot (or other standardized measure of alcohol) of booze. The Slave always has the iniatitive as he began the wars, so he has to choose first if a undeciding stalemate is to occur.

Slave doesn't have to challenge the King, but this is recommended as he sucks otherwise. And after the negerkriegs, the cards are shuffled and dealt and the round continues until new King is crowned, or the last continues his reign (which is likely to occur without the negerkriegs, as he holds better cards).
In addition to the Challenge rules, players are encouraged to drink outrageously while they play. Questions?
After Jakubias had lost the Negerkriegs several times in a row, the evening ceased and silence reigned once again. Then came sunday, and the hangover. The warSaab launched it's ride towards civilization. Everyone sweated in terror as they knew that upcoming Vol.3 would surpass the late-Vol.2 in every single level.
More meat, more booze, more Disney montages, more everything. Oh my...

Oh yeah, and cuz the gents missed em, here's Demi Moore's breasts.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Millenia of Warfare for the Crown of Britain!

Probably the most stupidest way to introduce a
boardgame cover, this time with a English
LongbowWoman that doesn't even take place
on the timeline of the events in Britannia!!!

Once again our the Society gathered to battle for one's supremacy, this time with Lewis Pulsipher's boardgame called Britannia. Four of the gents participated, only Sir William was absent as he wasn't even invited at all!

British Isles at the time of

 Nevertheless the millenia of struggle for the Isles ensued, and ceased after approx. 5hours of gameplay, paused only by the Gents to nourish with various blueberry-based delicacies such as blueberrypie and blueberrysmoothies.

Emperor Masamund (the reds) proved to be victor with 255points and Lord Protector Jakubias (the blues) runned to 246, close one. King Jannek (the yellows) stayed at 195point as Count Oscar ( the greens) failed at nearly everything and was last with 154 points.
For the record and for some thrilling statistics, here are the invidual scores for the tribes/nations!

The Isles, about 802ad

The Greens:
Jutes 6p, Danes 36p. Caledonians 51p, Welsh 61p
The Yellows:
Romano-British 2p, Dubliners 10p, Scots 22p, Norwegians 40p, Roman 121p
The Blues:
Belgae 26p, Normans 49p, Picts 78, Angles 90p
The Reds:
Norsemen 20p, Irish 21p, Brigantes 53p, Saxons 161p
And as the Gents dispute for the rule of Britannia, they may compare their numbers to these hereby presented! And Sir William will never know about it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

New Loot!

The Society has freshly acquires two new items to it's collections.

First there's this new boardgame called Marnon. It originates to 1970's with the name Wizard's Quest but Marnon is the name for european/scandinavian release at late 1980's.

In Marnon the players oppose eachother as kings struggling for the rule of the island of Marnon. Each king commands his army against the others, orcs and a dragon, while wizard Peacemaker aid each side. One who discovers three items of power first, wins the game. Items are Crown, Ring and a Treasure Chest.

The society playtested the game with the Inner Five, and game took few hours. Even though it basically rolls around the luck with dice, Marnon possesses quite potent amount of strategy as each player tries to balance his forces for defending and for conquest, as bloodshed around him grows turn by turn. Nice!

Marnon proved to be extremely entertaining and became instant-hit with strong classic-status.

4,5/5 Shoggoths

Another article freshly plundered is propably the last Dungeons & Dragons 3.5edition book that Society will ever purchase. Local "hobby shoppe" Fantasiapelit still had one copy of D&D 3.5e Rules Compendium!!! Book greatly features all the essential rules of 3.5edition as a quick reference and thus it is a welcomed addition to Societys D&D games. Well done!

5/5 Shoggoths

ps. big fuck you, 4th edition!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Society Disagrees: Sucker Punch (2011)

Few of the gents felt masochist enough to view the new movie Sucker Punch. One can't declare it as utter shit with no script that makes sense, as most of its plot worked in several meta-levels. One can even think that as an achievement of some sort.

Anyhow, view the movie, condemn it, then think again and browse few posts and enlighten OR condemn it again!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Gents discovering the essence of Doom

Lord Protector Jakubias, escorted by Sir William, took part of a strange gathering at Klubi, Turku, second of april. There were bards and musicians who had crossed vast oceans in order to chant their doomy songs to them, and well they did. Lord Protector Jakubias even captivated few clips of video to share.