Here are thus explained the cardgame quite often played by the gents, please enjoy these lunatic ramblings they call rules.
What you need: 3+ players, 1-2 decks of cards, time, lot's of booze.
The deck (without Jokers) of cards is shuffled and dealed to the players. (When more than five players, two decks should be used to increase sheer randomness) Then everyone may sort his hand from 2's to ace's. Then the one with 2 of clubs begins by placing the card (and anyother 2's he may have) tp the center of the table. Then the players in clockwise order strike cards on the last one, providing the card is bigger than the last one ( 3's over 2's, queen's over 8's for example).
You may even strike ace's over 2's. You may also strike multiple numbers of the same size, but then everyone else has to strike equal or more in number of the same size. (For example, three 6's are on the table, next player has to strike at least three 7's).
If the player cannot or doesn't want to strike, he/she must pronounce "pass", which he/she continues to say at his turn as long he's unable or unwilling. If everyone passes, the player who stroke the last card(s) can strike whatever he likes to a clean table (this often means the lowest in size as they are the weakest). It should be noted that ace's are almost omnipotent as they are unmatchable in size, guaranteeing a clean table to the player who stroke it. Altough, you have to match the number of the last sizes in the table, three kings can be only matched with three ace's or more.
The One who first runs out of cards becomes the KING, sole champion of the round. The others continue to play until one loses by being the only one with cards in his hands. He/she becomes the SLAVE, lowest of the low. When the next round begins and the shuffled cards are once again dealt, the King gives two (or three, decided by the players in the beginning of the game) of his LOWEST cards in his hand to the Slave, who has to give equal number of his HIGHEST cards to the King. And then the player with 2 of clubs begins the round. This is circle continued until boredom.
DIE NEGERKRIEG's expansion
But now comes the fun part, the Slave may challenge the King before the cards are dealt. If the king accepts he must face the Slave in series of rounds of indianpoker, if he passes, he loses his King-status and the round starts like the beginning round of the game, no high/low cards. If the Slave wins, he becomes the King and the fallen King becomes the Slave.
The rules of these negerkrieg's are simple, both of the players lift a card from the deck to his forehead so one sees only the opponents card, and then the players either say pass of I challenge. If either one passes, sips of booze are taken and new cards are drawn. If both challenge, the one with bigger card in his forehead wins, and the one with lower loses and has to drink a shot (or other standardized measure of alcohol) of booze. The Slave always has the iniatitive as he began the wars, so he has to choose first if a undeciding stalemate is to occur.
Slave doesn't have to challenge the King, but this is recommended as he sucks otherwise. And after the negerkriegs, the cards are shuffled and dealt and the round continues until new King is crowned, or the last continues his reign (which is likely to occur without the negerkriegs, as he holds better cards).
In addition to the Challenge rules, players are encouraged to drink outrageously while they play.
Questions? Have fun and achieve the Greater Drunkeness while enslaving the others!