We made the charachters alright, Count Oscar chose to be Shaun McKoy, a miner who had a terrible accident with dyunamite in his earlier life.
King Jannek wanted to be Four-finger Tom, ex-military man who befriended with indians but in fear of losing his comrades trust, he slaughtered the poor indian family that once saved his life. Terrible story..
Emperor Masamund knew he would be Betsy-Lou, a harlot who had murdered her two childern, the backgrounds are getting even worse...
And last but not least, Sir William chose to be El Nobo, mexican man who had slaughtered his whole home village for money!!! What a real asshole!
And Lord Protector Jakubias was the dealer, balancing the events and dealing cards.

Jakubias had planned a exciting bank robbery adventure in the town of Red Hill, but it soon became clear that in the overall state of drunkness, good gaming would not be achieved. And soon it was all over, El Nobo, Shaun Mckoy and Fourfinger Tom shot themselves after blowing the bank to smithereens, and poor Betsy-Lou was raped and later shot to dead. Never rob a bank when you're drunk.
After the terrible killing in the wild west, we played some cards, game known as "King & Nigger" (according to few webpages, its also known plain nigger, or slave, altought it intends not to be racist, the name could be King & Peasant, and you would also get the idea of victor and loser swapping cards) which escalated into indian poker for few of us, which resulted in sir William losing multiple times in row, and as the others took drony positions and watched Star Wars episode III middle of the night, sir william constantly wetted himself with his breverages..
Awful night of awful drinking.
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